“Are You Called or Chosen?”

By admin

There is a difference being called and chosen when it comes to ministry. First let me state that the calling I am referring to in this Blog is not the “called” that is mentioned in Matthew 22. That “called” is referring to those who God invites into a relationship with Him.

The “called” I want to discuss is the “called” that comes from God to do ministry. Many who serve in ministry testify that they have been called to do so. That calling is an invitation to serve God in the Kingdom of God. God gives a special invitation to do a specific work in the Kingdom. The calling may be for a season or for a lifetime. Those seasonal callings are not a work and retire but a moving from one specific ministry to another. The Lord “called” the disciples to join him and follow him in the work.

To be “chosen” in this context I am speaking of is to be picked. Not by God but by man. We (humankind) have operated for a long time under a democracy. The ability and power to choose who leads us and governs us. I don’t want to digress and discuss the electoral vote and how that is set up. Even in certain denominations such as “Baptist” we practice a “congregational” vote. Where the people proclaim that “we” chose the pastor, elder, etc. Yes there was a vote but if the people are a praying people then they would have submitted to the Holy Spirit and it would not be the “people” choosing but the Lord guiding!

The problem is when you have people who are in ministry that are “chosen” and not “called”. The burden is great for ministry and if you have not been Called and Anointed for the work then you can find yourself operating under your “chosen ness” and not the divine strength of God. I have learned that if I had not been called to the work then the stress of ministry would have destroyed me a long time ago. But because I have been called, I have been able to endure the challenges that come with service!

When Israel needed a King, the people chose Saul but David was “called”. They didn’t listen to God and chose Saul and they ended up in turmoil. There are too many “chosen” people serving in ministry. Either for vain glory, to fill a spot or their season is up and the Lord called them to do something else a long time ago. For whatever reason they are now operating under a “chosen” status and not a “called” status. Make sure you are “called” for the work.

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