“Is Your Faith Fake or Fact?”

By admin

Have you ever thought that your faith failed you?  There have been times in my life when I questioned my walking by faith.  I was thinking how during the midst of the journey that my stepping out on faith has failed me.  What I mean by this is that there are times when it seems like you step out on faith on “what you believe is God’s Word” and your situation gets worse and not better.  There are times when you question what you thought God said is not what you really heard.  Faith is one of those ever-present realities in life that you can not get around without dealing with it head on.

Many of us have had to question whether or not we made the right choice in our lives and if God is punishing us for the “mis-step” that we have taken. What I have learned through this process is that even when I am wrong or think I am wrong…God is bigger than any thought or mistake that I can make. 

To limit the omnipotence of God by operating or stressing out as though He can’t do, fix, change, maneuver, pull, push, mold, shape or create my situation is a lack of faith. We say we trust God but only when you jump off of a cliff with no knowledge of what is below, is what faith is.  Hebrews says that, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  The evidence of things not seen is the catch phrase that gets most of us.  We know God has done and is able, but do we trust that in the next conflict or storm of life that God has already worked it out.

Faith is not accomplished by you knowing the plan.  Faith is accomplished by knowing that God is the plan!

When you stop worrying about whether God can do it and have the attitude like the 3 Hebrew boys where they said, “even if he doesn’t deliver…our God is able!”, then your faith is strong.  Faith is not that WILL deliver or work it out, but faith is KNOWING that HE has the POWER to work it out.

I have to admit, my faith is strong not because I made it that way, but because I have put myself in TOO many situations where God has bailed me out and the result was my FAITH was strengthened.  God has shown me who He is.  I believe that God has shown you who He is.  Now it is your time to trust HIM in the process.

I have learned through the process that if I keep my faith on God, it may be tested, stretched and poked.  But because my faith is in God, It cannot fail!

Michael O. Oyedokun II