“Dogs that Bark Loud”
You have to be leery about someone who is always quick to point out the flaws of others while promoting their own perfection. I tend to look with a discerning lens at people who find fault with everyone else or everything else and never admit their own imperfections. To me this is a sign of guilt or “trying to direct the narrative!”
There is a quote that says, “the dog that barks the loudest is probably guilty.” Those who are victims usually don’t promote their hurt and pain. They mask it. They bury it. They try to move on past the pain. They fake it and shake it for as long as they can. They don’t seek to bring attention to what they are going through even though they need to deal with it. Most people who are trustworthy don’t go around having issues with everything and typically doesn’t seek attention or self-promotion. They tend to support others and are very critical of themselves.
I see a lot of people on social media that are quick to down others. While at the same time making it seem like they have no issues in their own lives. I am not saying that you have to put your business in the wind. But if you don’t want to exploit your issues then don’t highlight anyone else’s.
Paul told us in Romans 15:1, “We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up.”
I have had to experience many people who come to me with grievances against someone else. They are quick to tell me what the other person did without revealing their part in the drama. I can typically discern who is in the right or who is trying to get their story out there because they are the ones who come and point the finger first. Whenever my children have disagreements, I know who is typically in the wrong because they are the first to come to me and testify that, “they did it!”
Jesus rebuked the Pharisee in his rhetoric toward the Publican because the Pharisee was too busy elevating himself at the expense of the Publican because he thought he was righteous. Jesus told the parable and said that the one who showed humility and demonstrated the need of a savior is the one who went down justified.
I want to set an example for my children and teach them to accept mistakes, don’t talk or down others and don’t think that you will be perfect. Perfection is solely for Jesus Christ. I want the world to know that I go to my AA meetings every Sunday. No, not Alcoholics Anonymous but Acquitted Anonymous. I have been acquitted by the savior of the World who died so that I may be free. I am a SINNER, but I’ve been SAVED!
I had a dog once and I would get so frustrated at him because he would bark for no reason. I would go to see what is causing him to bark and I eventually realized that he was just a barker. Nothing was there. Nothing was coming toward the house. Nothing was causing imminent danger. He just barked. The problem with that is that one day there was someone who did come into the backyard without my permission. I missed the warning because I was used to his unnecessary barking…well you get the point!
Michael O. Oyedokun II