“A Pew of Pharisees”

By admin

A while ago I read a post that asked the question, “would you stay under a pastor that came out to his congregation that he was gay?”. This is not a new thing as this evangelical world has seen this happening in some churches across the country. As I was reading some of the comments there were many who said, “No” and some who said, “It didn’t matter.” I respect whatever opinion a person has, after all, it is their opinion. However, there were some comments that had me thinking. Some said that they couldn’t be up under a pastor that didn’t obey the scriptures. Then there was those that said how can he lead the people if they can’t live right themselves. The one comment that generated this blog was the comment that said, “Everyone has sinned and that is why I left the church because it is full of hypocrites!”

Now I know that this person has probably had a past negative experience with the church and was looking for an opportunity to vent their frustrations. But I started to wonder if the world sees us as hypocrites…are we being hypocritical? As I oppose any pastor who practices this lifestyle, the world isn’t looking for leaders who are human…but leaders who are perfect. Some of those who commented said that they couldn’t be up under a pastor who did not obey the scriptures. My question is “Which Scriptures?” All of them or those over 90%. Are there scriptures that if they are not obeyed there is an immediate removal from leadership? I just wonder how we can reach the world if we are so out of touch with the world that we can’t identify with what they are going through.

In the parable about the Pharisee and the Publican in Luke 18, verse 11 states, “The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.” The parable ends in verse 14 with the Lord saying, “I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” The Lord was referring to the Publican going home justified because he acknowledged that he was a sinner and in need of grace and mercy.

Please do not think that I am condoning a sinful lifestyle or saying that we (as Christians and Leaders) should not strive to do right, walk right and live right according to the scriptures.

We need to be like the Publican and acknowledge our lack of perfection and our need to have a savior who can help lead us closer to the Lord.

The problem that the world has with us is that we sometimes put so much emphasis on perfection rather than Grace and Mercy. Over seven times in the KJV the Lord condemned the Scribes and Pharisees with these words, “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” He was condemning their attitude and countenance toward those who were not like them and not following THEIR law.

I will tell anyone that I am a SERVANT LEADER not a PERFECT LEADER! Those who lead don’t lead from a far. Those who lead will understand what those who are following are dealing with. Those who are leaders are those that will not fake perfection but will promote righteousness through a relationship with the Lord.

Michael O. Oyedokun II