“Same Directions…Different Destination”
So, recently I just had an epiphany (well I heard it somewhere) that the praying hands emoji that we use on our cellular phones and tablets are actually “high five” hands. After I heard this heart wrecking news, I thought to myself…how funny is it that depending on where your mind and heart is, your viewpoint can be different. I have counseled so many people on how they see something from their viewpoint and not realizing that it could be something totally different.
I was really amazed at how many times we (and I) have used this emoji with the viewpoint of “I am praying for you!” When all along the creator was saying, “High Five!” This may seem a little insignificant in importance, but it really shows how we can see two totally different viewpoints from the same image.
I tell people all the time, you can only view things from my lens if you know my story. For every reaction there is an action. That action is predicated by some experience I have had in my life. So, what may bother you, may not bother me. What gives you joy, may give me grief. How you see things may not even be on my radar or it may look totally different.
Well, how does this help me? I believe that we can get along and prohibit issues with others if we stop and look at the situation from THEIR viewpoint. Give people an opportunity to explain why they do what they do or why they did what they did. We are so quick to condemn others for not doing it the way you do it. We have expectations that people are supposed to handle a situation the very same way you did. When they don’t then we get in our feelings and we say that, “THEY NEED TO FIX THAT!” Well maybe they are fine, and you need to fix you.
I am learning to be more optimistic about my dealings with others. I am more understanding and compassionate. I am striving to not jump to conclusions but ask questions with the goal of understanding where they are coming from. When we do this, we fulfill scripture that tells us to communicate with one another to hinder potential issues that can arise.
So now that I know that the emoji can be different meanings…I have to read the context and not jump to my own perception on what they mean. I just said a WORD!
Don’t try to assume what people mean when they say what they say. If we have a preconceived idea about a person, it tends to lean us toward a distorted view of them or their thoughts. Just because I meant something yesterday, doesn’t mean I meant it today! I may have gotten some sleep and now my sugar is not low, so I am more happier. If you always operate by a past idea, you will always be a step behind. This culture has gotten us lazy to communication. We text, tweet, post, snap, chat and retweet. We have forgotten that words don’t have emotions or meaning. By themselves they are confusing…with context they are powerful!
Don’t always assume I am sending you praying hands…I just might be giving you a high five!
Michael O. Oyedokun II
Love it!