“Fragile…Handle with Care!”
Today’s blog is REAL on so many levels. The pastoral community is dealing yet again with another suicide of a pastor. Simply put…depression is REAL. So many people in life suffer with being depressed. I am not a psychiatrist so I will not comment on physical depression but these few words are dealing with emotional depression. When you ship a package through the mail there is a sticker that you place on the box that says, “Fragile…Handle with Care!” The carrier doesn’t know what’s on the inside, but because of the label, they know that there should be a caution while handling the package.
I can only speak concerning things that I have experienced or witnessed. There are so many things in life that can be the catalyst for being depressed. As clergy there are so many misconceptions concerning how WE should feel that the signs are missed and ignored. Many people feel that Pastors should have it all together and that whatever we preach we should be able to overcome and endure. What many people don’t realize is that many preachers are SHOUTING while STRUGGLING! I can bare witness to the fact that there have been many times where I was not up mentally to preaching to encourage others because I had issues encouraging myself. There were times where I just wanted to shut the world out and minimize my existence in the world.
Just because God uses you doesn’t mean that you are exempt from feeling lonely, isolated, depressed and discouraged.
In many cases these emotions are present in our lives BECAUSE of the calling on our lives.
We are hard on Jonah because he ran from the calling and burden of ministry. I believe he knew what he was up against! Moses and Elijah both told the Lord that they wished they were never born because of what they endured. God even asked Elijah, “why are you here?” Even though we admit we shouldn’t feel the way we do, it doesn’t always take that feeling away!
Those that know the Word of God have more of a protection against the mental tricks of the devil but that does not mean that those who know the Word are immune to attacks and sometimes succumb to pressure of the persecution. It is insensitive to have the perception that those that are saved don’t suffer. If I can be honest there have been times where I felt like Moses and Elijah. I felt like things would be better and easier if the Lord called me home. I had to preach through my pain. I had to shout in my storm. I had to tarry through my tears. I had to worship in the midst of worry. We pour in to others and sometimes people forget to pour in to us!
Some people look at preachers and pastors and conclude that we are arrogant and insensitive humans. But what they don’t understand is that we have to stand STRONG for others. In our confidence in the Lord…we can show that God is able to do what His Word says he will do. The Word of God says that the Man of God is deserving of double honor. We tend to think that it is only materially, but it is through encouragement and through your willingness to help him keep his hands up that you can honor your pastor.
You never know how much an encouraging word can propel a pastor’s journey. I know there have been several times where I was about to submit my resignation to God, but He directed someone to call me and unknowingly to them they talked me down off the ledge by their words of “well done!” I will leave you with this…You don’t know how many of the proclaimers of the gospel have to “think themselves happy” everyday. Pray for them and pray for me!
Michael O. Oyedokun II