“What Are You Known For?”

By admin

I want to say thank you to those who have encouraged me through your words of how much you enjoy reading my blogs.   I took some time off last week and I am getting back into the swing of things.  As I traveled there was so much that I saw that I wanted to write about and maybe one day I will.  I want to be relevant and relatable at the same time.  My mind is a smorgasbord of thoughts and questions that it would confuse the most intelligent individual.  Most of my thoughts are self-evaluation because  I want to be a change agent in this world.

So, as I write to you today, I wonder do you ever ponder on what good will people say about you when you die?  I am preparing to officiate and deliver a eulogy in a couple of hours and as I was preparing the eulogy, I am asking myself that same question.  What good things will they have to say about me?  Will people make up stuff so as to not sound harsh or inconsiderate?  Will people testify that I have helped them along this journey?  I have the awesome privilege of being able to preach and have words on a weekly basis to those who have faith in my ministry and my call.  I am able to give spiritual guidance to those who come seeking to hear what the Lord has to say to them through His word.  I often wonder, now more than ever, is my ministry and my words really helping people change their perspective on life, tribulations and stress.

We never know when God will call us home.  There is so much death in the world. Just on last week I lost a classmate that I grew up with to cancer.  The young lady that was shot in her bedroom in Ft. Worth last week didn’t know that this would be her last time.  The uncertainty of death should cause us to be certain of life.  How we live in this world should cause us to stop and focus on our lives and the impact that it has on others.  There are too many people in high profile careers and jobs that don’t demonstrate what it means to be a “positive model.”   I can’t tell them what to do or how to live but I do want my living not to be in vain and I want to be someone that people can look up to and say, “he was a good and decent person.”  I want to know that people that I come in contact with will say, “He said the right thing” or “He encouraged me in a positive way”.

In Acts chapter 9 verses 36-39, Peter was called to come because Tabitha (Dorcas) has died and they laid her in the upper room.  When Peter got there the women were weeping and showing him what she did, “while she was with them.”  The scriptures say that she did good and helped others.  She was known for her works.  As I close my thoughts and prepare to get dressed, I want to leave you with this thought: What are you known for?  There is this post on Social Media that has a fill in the blank question.  I believe it says that, “If you know me, I am known for ___________” (that may not be accurate, but you get the point).  I have seen and participated in a few of these post on other people’s pages, but I don’t have the courage to ask that question to people for myself.  Maybe it is just my own insecurities when it comes to what I have done for people but at some point, I want to be able to have confidence that I have helped someone positively along the way!

Be Blessed!

Michael O. Oyedokun II