“It’s Winter…but I am Still Cleaning”
Last weekend I decided that I wanted to do some rearranging and cleaning. On Thursday I cleaned and rearranged my garage and then on Friday, I decided to rearrange my home office. I typically do this to get a new fresh feel and it also allows me to do some cleaning and purging. Christmas is also around the corner and I needed to make room for the Christmas Tree. So I moved the furniture around and cleaned up.
I have been in my house over 2 years and I have never taken down my books and dusted the shelves. So when I started the task I didn’t realize how many books I had and how much dust had accumulated on the shelves. It looked like it would be an easy process but it turned into a two day ordeal and a sore body after the process.
Cleaning and purging to me have significant benefits.
(1) it allows me to examine what I have need of and what is no longer useful. Over the years I have placed things on shelves and in corners that I thought I may need later only to find out that it stayed in the same place and in the same position as when I first placed it there. Sometimes in life we have a lot in our lives and people in our lives that are wasted space. They are just there because we want to hold on to things or them, just in case we need them later. All the while they are just taking up space.
(2). It allows me to clean things that have accumulated dust and dirt. The thing about dust is that to the normal eye it sometimes is invisible but when you put a cloth to it you realize that there are more accumulation than your realized. Sometimes we have to take things down in our lives and clean it off so that we can see the original beauty of the creation. Accumulated dust and dirt prohibits the natural from being seen. How many of us are not the same as we are supposed to be because of hurt, offenses and personal issues that have turned into the dirt and dust in our lives.
(3) Lastly, this cleaning allows me to maneuver the furniture around so that I can appreciate what I have. Sometimes when we continue day by day with the same ole grind, we forget how awesome our lives are. When we first started out we were excited, but over time that excitement wears off because we are stuck in a routine. Do something new every now and then. Change your scenery. Move around the pieces of your life so that you can appreciate what the Lord has blessed you with!
Paul, when he was going through the thorn in his life asked God to remove the thorn. God’s reply was, “My grace is sufficient!” We don’t always have to move to appreciate what we have. Just clean and move around what you have!
Be blessed!!!
Michael Oyedokun II